Sigh. We just had the most wonderful April vacation. The weather was fabulous and we had so much fun playing with the girls. Here are some updates:
Emily is 3 now. She had 3 birthday parties with a Princess and Tinkerbell theme. She was spoiled beyond means with her gifts and with having her family and friends around. She really enjoys her new Barbie Jeep and Basketball hoop. Emily loves to play outside. She would be out there from sun up to sun down! She plays in her sandbox, rides her tricycle and explores the world around her. She loves to look at the birds and bugs. I think she'll have a real knack for science. Her cousin Gage gave her a magnifying glass and binoculars for her birthday that she uses frequently!
Emily is also working on potty training. She's doing a pretty good job so far! It is definitely a process though. I just got a call at work from her excitedly telling me that she had pooped on the potty! It's the little things that make us happy! :)
Hannah (or Hannie as we call her) is 10 months old. She is so funny and loving. When I pick her up to give her a hug she squeezes my back with her little hands. When she is tired she lays her head down and tucks her hand under her sweet! She isn't saying too many words, but she is making A LOT of noise! She has this funny little growling sound that she makes, especially when we aren't feeding her fast enough. She is eating SO much right now. She much prefers to feed herself than to be fed babyfood...she adores bananas, cheerios, cantaloupe, and toast!
She is crawling and starting to look like she wants to walk. She smiles all of the time and loves to be around Emily. They have started playing together somewhat which is so nice to see!
I was sad to leave the girls this morning and can't wait to get home from work and smooch their little faces!