February vacation is upon us. I really needed this vacation professionally, I was exhausted and burnt out! We started off with two days in Freeport as a family of 4. With basketball ending officially on Saturday night, I was happy to have Andy 100% with us instead of worrying about what time practice was or fielding phone calls from other coaches and parents.
We went snow tubing, swam in the pool, sat in the hot tub, went out to eat, shopping and just talked and talked. I absolutely cherish the memories and tradition we've started of staying in a hotel during break. Feb vacation is a nice treat, but it's very challenging to occupy two little girls all day when it is freezing cold outside and we aren't rich! :)
In running news, I hit kind of a lull where I am tired of using the treadmill day after day but I'm too much of a cold wuss to head outside just yet. But, I'm kicking my own butt and getting back into a running routine. In March I'll start really training for the half-marathon in July. Woo-Hoo! Andy is getting into the running game too, doing the Couch to 5k program...I'm so proud of him.
Emily is very excited about the prospect of turning 5 in about a month...and she is definitely ready to move on from preschool and into kindergarten. She is blossoming as a dancer, and just the other day asked me "Mom, when can you put me into an act-play" (her word for play). I have a sneaking suspicion that we have a budding actress on our hands...which is what I say to myself when she's having one of her more theatrical moments.
Hannah is 2. Really that says it all! She is fun loving and recently has developed a bit of a challenging spirit...but when she smiles her sweet Hannah smile it makes her terrible two moments melt away! She started taking gymnastics last month and LOVES it...jumping is one of her favorite daily pastimes!