Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Back again!

Ok, so I kind of suck at blogging. I really wanted this to be a permanent record of the Carlton family I'm going to try to do a better job of recording our happenings!

Hannah is 15 months old. She is the sweetest ray of sunshine. Her little smile makes her cheeks get even bigger and she smiles with her whole body. She was starting so scream and/or grunt when she wanted something, which loses its' appeal rather quickly. But now she has learned how to sign for "please" and she says it like "peas" in a raspy whisper. So cute! Now we ask her to say please all the time...and she's so proud of herself!

She is also imitating counting, so if we say "one', she always repeats, in a low whipser "twoooooooo" and she bends her knees at the same time. Two is pretty much the only number that she knows, but it's so cute and we are so excited about it! :)

Emily is 3.5 going on 14. Three is a tough age, but it's so fun at the same time because she really is starting to develop her own personality. She loves to put on shows for us...sometimes a dance show, sometimes a singing show, and other times a fashion show. She is quite the performer! She is doing ballet with Miss Laurie and she loves it, especially her tutu. And now her hair is finally long enough to put into little pigtails which are "just ravishing" as she tells us.

Emily is a wealth of scientific information. Yesterday, while driving home from the dentist with her (along with about 6 different prizes she got at the dentist, good lord!) she informed me that apples help you poop. Now that we all know that...I'm off to bed!

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