Monday, March 1, 2010

It's March!

I always love turning the calendar on the first day of a month...fresh start, new beginnings. And in today's case, close to spring! Although by looking out our window you would believe it is already spring in Maine with the tiny amount of snow left on the ground after the rain we have been experiencing!

March also signifies getting ready for Emily's birthday. This year she turns 4 years old, and she is quite excited about this milestone. Not only is she one year closer to being ready for kindergarten, but she will be the oldest in her daycare. She adores being a big girl and doing "big girl" things. Yesterday, for instance, when grandma and granddad were at our house for lunch she was being a big girl by cutting up her cranberry sauce with a butter knife. She was quite proud. She absolutely is showing signs of growing up.

But then there are the moments, like at 3 am, when I am reminded of how little she still is. Emily had a nightmare about a skeleton being in her room and came into our bed to cuddle with us. So, even though she can cut her own cranberry sauce, she's still my little girl who needs the comfort of mommy and daddy when she has bad dreams. And I love it.

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