Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 4

Today I was supposed to be at the MESCA conference, but instead stayed home with a sick little Emily who spent some time throwing up and fighting a fever. She rebounds so quickly from her illnesses though so it ended up being a quiet, peaceful day with my favorite 5 year old. It was a blessing to have this day with her, because lately she has been incredibly challenging. We both needed a day to reconnect with each other in a happy loving way. We read books, did a craft Turkey for her homework, colored, watched movies, and just chatted the day away. So today, I am thankful for Emily. Her creativity, drama, laughter, kindness, intelligence and willfulness fill my life with such exhausting joy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankful Day #3

Today I attended a meeting with Hannah's daycare teacher and preschool teacher to advocate for her regarding a situation. And it made me thankful that I have been given the gifts of being a good mom. In my job I see so many children who don't have a parent that protects them, stands up for them, or takes any sort of involvement in their education. I am so thankful that I have the ability to protect my daughters as much as I can, and that I have the tools to be a good role model for them. They are my guiding lights and every decision I make I try to think about how it will affect them. I take my role as a mom very seriously and I want to give these girls the best possible start in life!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It being November and the month of one of my most favorite holidays, Thanksgiving, I want to say every day one thing I am grateful for. Since today is the second day of November I better play a little catch up from day 1!

November 1st: I am thankful for a house that is safe, warm, and affordable. It may not be the biggest, or have the best (read: any) closet space for the girls, but it is ours and it is all we need for now.

November 2nd: I am thankful for two parents who still take care of me. They have taught me what true love looks like and what parents should be and do for their children. To this day, nothing can give me peace like a hug from my mom can.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


February vacation is upon us. I really needed this vacation professionally, I was exhausted and burnt out! We started off with two days in Freeport as a family of 4. With basketball ending officially on Saturday night, I was happy to have Andy 100% with us instead of worrying about what time practice was or fielding phone calls from other coaches and parents.

We went snow tubing, swam in the pool, sat in the hot tub, went out to eat, shopping and just talked and talked. I absolutely cherish the memories and tradition we've started of staying in a hotel during break. Feb vacation is a nice treat, but it's very challenging to occupy two little girls all day when it is freezing cold outside and we aren't rich! :)

In running news, I hit kind of a lull where I am tired of using the treadmill day after day but I'm too much of a cold wuss to head outside just yet. But, I'm kicking my own butt and getting back into a running routine. In March I'll start really training for the half-marathon in July. Woo-Hoo! Andy is getting into the running game too, doing the Couch to 5k program...I'm so proud of him.

Emily is very excited about the prospect of turning 5 in about a month...and she is definitely ready to move on from preschool and into kindergarten. She is blossoming as a dancer, and just the other day asked me "Mom, when can you put me into an act-play" (her word for play). I have a sneaking suspicion that we have a budding actress on our hands...which is what I say to myself when she's having one of her more theatrical moments.

Hannah is 2. Really that says it all! She is fun loving and recently has developed a bit of a challenging spirit...but when she smiles her sweet Hannah smile it makes her terrible two moments melt away! She started taking gymnastics last month and LOVES it...jumping is one of her favorite daily pastimes!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


A co-worker and I are engaged in a Nike Plus challenge. For those that don't know, you can use the nike plus system (you put it in a pair of nike plus capable shoes) to track your mileage, speed, etc. AND you can challenge others who have Nike Plus. Right now we are in a distance challenge; who can run the most in a month. This is such a great method to get you running, especially on days when you don't feel like it.

I never knew how competitive I was!! But since running has become a new identity for me, I don't want to lose! Right now I'm ahead by 2 miles...with the end date being Feb. 14th. And let me tell you, I am going to win. I'll just stay up late the night that the challenge ends and run until I win. Damn....I'm cold hearted. :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Reasons Why I Run...

1. A good run can take me from stressed and grumpy to relaxed and happy.

2. Nothing beats the feeling of overcoming a bad run and ending it strong.

3. With a family history of leukemia, breast cancer and diabetes I want my body as strong and as healthy as possible to face whatever it is I will face with my health.

4. I love being able to call myself a runner.

5. I can eat a lot after a long run! (Or at least I tell myself that I can!)

6. Tired legs from a good run make me feel amazing.

7. My daughters see me run...and always beg for a turn on the treadmill. Yes!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pushing Through

Not much new to post on my running journey. I have noticed, however, that I need a schedule in order to stay motivated. It's SO helpful to me to know on Sunday what I am going to be doing on Thursday, and helps me to stay on track.

My Half-Marathon isn't until July, so it seems slightly ridiculous to start training for it now, even though I want to! So instead I'm following Hal Higdon's 10k training program. I'm in week 2, and it seems doable with my schedule (Hubby is coaching b-ball right now so my free time is virtually nonexistent!).

The other day whilst running on the treadmill (I am offended by the use of the term 'dreadmill' as the treadmill has carried me through many a needed mile!) I was listening to an audiobook in an effort to prevent boredom. However, it felt like more of a distraction than I wanted. I think after a stressful day at work and crazy busy life in general, I wanted to put all of my mental and physical energy into my run. So I shut my ipod off and just focused on what my body was doing...and it felt so good to be in the moment and conquer the run!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Home is where the Happy is

I love being home. To me, nothing says "content" like a Sunday spent in my house with my little family. Napping, playing, reading, and just being together. The obligatory chores get mixed in with the fun, but such is life.

This is why the treadmill is a vital part of my running life. I never have to worry about fitting my runs in when I know the hubby will be home to watch the girls, or when the weather is right, or that I'm missing out on time with my family. I can get on the 'mill, the girls can come chat with me, or I can be a silent observer watching them play without them realizing that I am even watching.

Even though sometimes it is excruciatingly painful to run in place for miles, I'd much rather be home with my hearts.