Saturday, December 4, 2010

5 Miles!

Yes, that's right. I conquered the beast. For weeks, I knew that the big 5 mile run should happen. I hit 4 a few weeks ago and have been happily running along having achieved that goal. But the big, never before conquered or attempted, 5 mile run had me anxious.

This morning (after bringing the girls to Breakfast With Santa and hearing that Emily's Santa gift had an additional request, naturally) I got on the treadmill with NO goal in mind, other than to run. My run started off great...everything was going the way it should. The girls were playing nicely with one another, the dog was sleeping, the husband was at basketball so I just kept on going.

Once I hit mile 4, my usual breaking point, I decided to try to get to 4.5. A half-mile after you've done four doesn't seem so daunting. And by the time I got to 4.5 I figured I might as well go the distance. And 5 miles and 55 minutest later, I had done it! I was SO PROUD.

Running always gives me a chance to clear my head, and be quiet. I just feel the rhythm of my body running and I can just be in the moment, which is feeling more and more like a gift. Today I kept thinking, even after battling an eating disorder, surviving the toll that college took on my body in a variety of ways, putting my body through pregnancy and childbirth, nothing has shown me just how strong and capable I can be. Running has finally been the mirror to reflect just how strong I really am.


Jen said...

That's awesome! I see a marathon in your future (for real).

Beth said...

Thanks, Jen! I am pumped about the half next summer...we'll see how that goes! I've been obsessively reading about running...I'm turning into an addict. :)