Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My husband has started his own blog which reminded me of how much I missed my own blogging time. I think I had some idea of what I was "supposed" to do on a blog...but what I really want is a place to record the goings on of our family so that when I look back on this years from now I will remember.

I am in week 6 of the 5K training and have really done well with it. Haven't had to repeat a day of the training and have just progressed forward every week (well, other than the week that I had the swine flu, which I smartly took off from running!) Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing how I do in the tough last 3 weeks of the training!

Something causing a bit of stress for me is the upcoming clinical internship that I am required to do if I want my LCPC license. It is 900 hours of internship which basically sucks. If I didn't love the idea of someday having my own practice, I would definitely NOT be doing it. I think I'll be working with a psychologist whom I greatly respect and know I would learn a ton from...but the time that I will have to put into it makes my stomach hurt!

This is such a busy time of year, trying to balance everything, as usual is a bit of a challenge. I try to remind myself every day to slow down and take time to just be with the girls. To give them the gift of my undivided attention. My goal as a mom is to each day make sure I gave both daughters all of my attention for a little while. So today Hannah and I colored together, in an unusual complete silence, but we were together and happy to be next to each other! With Emily, we read 3 of her favorite books, cuddled up under a blanket on the couch. She smiled at me and said, "Just Mommy and Emily time." Best way to end the day.

1 comment:

Christia said...

Awww. I love Emily. That's a looot of hours for the clinical license!