Tuesday, February 1, 2011


A co-worker and I are engaged in a Nike Plus challenge. For those that don't know, you can use the nike plus system (you put it in a pair of nike plus capable shoes) to track your mileage, speed, etc. AND you can challenge others who have Nike Plus. Right now we are in a distance challenge; who can run the most in a month. This is such a great method to get you running, especially on days when you don't feel like it.

I never knew how competitive I was!! But since running has become a new identity for me, I don't want to lose! Right now I'm ahead by 2 miles...with the end date being Feb. 14th. And let me tell you, I am going to win. I'll just stay up late the night that the challenge ends and run until I win. Damn....I'm cold hearted. :)


Jen said...

Did you win? I'm half training right now, and I'm loving the mileage increase.

Beth said...

Oh, I won by at least 10 miles! go me.